International Fellowship & Church
At our international fellowship we meet together to read and study the Bible, enjoy fellowship with coffee, tea and food, and pray for one another. We gather every Sunday morning at 9:15am at University Reformed Church. After our fellowship we will attend our church service at 10:30.
We would love to have you join us–even if you’re not a Christian! Kids are welcome as well. The church has childcare if you need it (we can help you find the right place for your kids).
If you need a ride we'd be happy to pick you up. Contact us below.
Let us know if you'd like to join us!
What to Expect
At every service we will sing, pray, and hear a sermon from the Bible (usually around 35 - 40 minutes in length). Services have childcare and children's classes, but children are welcome to sit with parents in the main service if they'd like. After the service ends we encourage you to stick around to get to know other people in the church.
Who We Are
Check us out at: University Reformed Church
For more information:
- Contact Nick Setterington (