Acts 17 tells us that God “made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him.” God is strategically using higher education as a means for scattering the nations, with the purpose that they should seek God and find him. Michigan State is ranked #16 in the nation for international student enrollment, with students from over 130 countries. What an amazing and strategic opportunity we have to reach the nations with the gospel right in our backyard!
We have three “on-ramps” this summer for you to get connected with our international outreach. These events have two purposes: 1) to explore and learn more about ministry opportunities, and 2) to have the opportunity to sign up and get connected.
- June 20th
Strategic Gospel Opportunities Among the Nations
Catching the Vision: A Seminar with URC Missionary Jason Stryd
6pm @ URC - July 24th
Loving the Stranger: Opportunities for Hospitality
Learn about family groups & other creative ways to welcome internationals into our homes
6pm @ URC - August 12th
Get Connected: Planning for the Fall Semester
Learn about our English Outreach, Christianity Explored Bible Studies, Sunday International Class, and other opportunities to serve internationals
12 pm lunch after the morning service